Bioorganic Compounds Research Group

Genesis and Importance

The Bioorganic Compounds Research Group (GICOBIORG for its acronym in Spanish) was born in January 2008 with the incorporation of Professor Dr. Jaime Portilla for the Organic Chemistry area of the Department of Chemistry at the Universidad de Los Andes. Professor Portilla is the founder and director of GICOBIORG, whose laboratory is located on the third floor of the Chemistry building (lab Q-304). Professor Portilla's group has always sought to strengthen and update its research in line with high-quality human talent training (undergraduate and postgraduate students, research assistants, and so on), national and international collaborations, and interdisciplinarity. The research at GICOBIORG focuses on ecological synthesis strategies, particularly in obtaining N-heterocyclic compounds with biological and photophysical potential. Likewise, in the correlation of these properties with the solid state.



Dr. Jaime Antonio Portilla Salinas

Department of Chemistry 
Faculty of Science
Universidad de Los Andes
E-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Off. Q836 (Ext 2080), Lab. Q304 (Ext 1452)

The GICOBIORG investigates in

Organic Synthesis
(mainly in heterocyclic compounds)

Organic Physicochemistry
(photophysical and supramolecular interactions)






 Dr. Jaime Portilla, professor Uniandes since January 2008